A sentence or two about the awesomeness of CARE. It's truly, truly awesome.

The iCARE Collaborative is hard at work building the evidence base for CARE and its extension programs. Below is a short list of our efforts specific to CARE to date. Continuing the pursuit of rigorous program evaluation is a team effort, and we thank all of our CARE Champions for their contributions. We will update the listing at least quarterly to provide the iCARE Community with ongoing resources.

Peer Reviewed Journals
Scott, R., Gurwitch, R. G., Messer, E. P., Kelley, L., Myers, D, & Young, K. (2020). Integrated CARE: Adaptation of Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) model for use in integrated behavioral health pediatric clinics. Clinical Pediatrics.
Murphy, K.G., Warner-Metzger, C.M., & Moreland, A.D. (April 2019). Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE): Expanding evidence-based child behavior management skills to an academic medical center. Behavior Therapist, 42 (4), 118-121.
Messer, E.P., Greiner, M., Beal, S., Cassedy, A., Eismann, E., Gurwitch, R.H., Boat, B., Bensman, H., Bemerer, J., Greenwell, S., & Eiler-Sims, P. (2018). Child adult relationship enhancement (CARE): A brief, skills-building training for foster caregivers to increase positive parenting practices. Children and Youth Services Review, 90, 74-82. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2018.05.017
Wood, J.N., Dougherty, S.D., Long, J., Messer, E.P. & Rubin, D. (2017). A pilot investigation of a novel intervention to improve behavioral well-being for children in foster care. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. doi:10.1177/1063426617733715
Schilling, S., French, B., Berkowitz, S.J., Dougherty, S.L., Scribano, P.V., & Wood, J.N. (2016). Child-adult relationship enhancement in primary care (PriCARE): A randomized trial of a parent training for child behavior problems. Academic Pediatrics, 17 (1), 53-60. doi:10.1016/j.acap.2016.06.009
Gurwitch, R., Messer, E., Masse, J., Olafson, E., Boat, B., & Putnam, F. (2016). Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE): An evidence-informed program for children with a history of trauma and other behavioral challenges. Child Abuse and Neglect, 53, 138-145. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2015.10.016
Book Chapters
Gurwitch, R.H., Nelson, M.M., & Abner, J.P. (2019). Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement for children on the autism spectrum: CARE Connections. In C.B. McNeil, L.B. Quetsch, & C.M. Anderson (Eds.) Handbook of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for children on the autism spectrum. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 321-338.
Pearl, E. & Minnick, J. L. (2007). Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) and Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE). In C. Huff & H.J. Sites (Eds.), An Integrated Model for Treatment of Early Childhood Abuse. Royal Oak, MI: Self-Esteem Shop, pp. 47-55.
Peer Reviewed Conference Presentations
Nelson, M. M., Bussing, R., & Warner-Metzger, C. M. (October 2019). Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) training: Bringing good parenting behaviors to all who interact with children. Workshop presented to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry’s (ACCAP’s) 66th Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL.
Masse, J., & Warner-Metzger, C. M. (August 2019). Cultivating a culture for PCIT: Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) in medical settings. Symposium presented at the 2019 Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) International Biennial Convention, Chicago, IL.
Masse, J., Sarver, D., Garrett, G., Cox, A., & Cash, A. (August 2019). Using Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) to reduce behavioral difficulties and augment interventions for among allied health professionals. In J. Masse (Chair) & C. M. Warner-Metzger (Discussant), Cultivating a culture for PCIT: Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) in medical settings. Symposium presented to the 2019 Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) International Biennial Convention, Chicago, IL.
Messer, E., Gurwitch, R., Scott, R. & Wood, J. (August 2019). PriCARE and Integrated CARE; Enhancing Ease of Access to Families. In J. Masse (Chair) & C. M. Warner-Metzger (Discussant), Cultivating a culture for PCIT: Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) in medical settings. Symposium presented to the 2019 Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) International Biennial Convention, Chicago, IL.
Murphy, K., Moreland, A., & Warner-Metzger, C. M. (August 2019). CARE Training in an Academic Medical Center: Extending Skills to Medical Trainees and Staff. In J. Masse (Chair) & C. M. Warner-Metzger (Discussant), Cultivating a culture for PCIT: Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) in medical settings. Symposium presented to the 2019 Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) International Biennial Convention, Chicago, IL.
Gurwitch, R., Fukumaru, Y., Messer, E. & Kamo, T. (August 2019). Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE™): Dissemination in community settings in the US and globally. In S. Wagner (Chair) Symposium, Expanding our reach: The utility of PCIT-informed approaches in community settings. Symposium presented to the 2019 Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) International Biennial Convention, Chicago, IL.
Davis, J. O., & Warner-Metzger, C. M. (August 2019). CARE Groups for Caregivers (CG2): Use of a pilot program for PCIT waitlist families to increase accessibility of services. Poster presented at the 2019 Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) International Biennial Convention, Chicago, IL.
Gurwitch, R. H., & Abner, J. P. (June 2018). Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARETM): Building new bridges in the PCIT and parent training world. Symposium presented to the 2018 Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) World Congress, Schweinfurt, Germany.
Warner-Metzger, C. M. (June 2018). CARE in schools: Meeting mental health needs of students in communities facing violence and civil unrest. In R. Gurwitch (Chair) & J. P. Abner (Discussant), Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARETM): Building new bridges in the PCIT and parent training world. Symposium presented to the 2018 Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) World Congress, Schweinfurt, Germany.
Gurwitch, R.H., Warner-Metzger, C.M., & Berkowitz, S. (November 2017). Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE): Building skills to strengthen trauma recovery in children and youth. Pre-Meeting Institute presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Chicago, IL.
Gurwitch, R. H., & Abner, J. P. (September 2017). Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE): Expanding capacity of PCIT principles. Symposium presented to the 2017 Biennial Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) International Convention, Traverse City, MI.
Messer, E.P., Dougherty, S., Schilling, S., & Wood, J. (September 2017). CARE in foster care and primary care settings: Helping caregivers address needs of high-risk youth. In R. Gurwitch (Chair) & J. P. Abner (Discussant), Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE): Expanding capacity of PCIT principles. Symposium presented to the 2017 Biennial Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) International Convention, Traverse City, MI.
Warner-Metzger, C. M. (September 2017). CARE in schools: Meeting mental health needs of students in communities facing violence and civil unrest. In R. Gurwitch (Chair) & J. P. Abner (Discussant), Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE): Expanding capacity of PCIT principles. Symposium presented to the 2017 Biennial Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) International Convention, Traverse City, MI.
Masse, J. (September 2017). DelaCARE: An Overview of a State-Wide Dissemination of the CARE model. In R. Gurwitch (Chair) & J. P. Abner (Discussant), Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE): Expanding capacity of PCIT principles. Symposium presented to the 2017 Biennial Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) International Convention, Traverse City, MI.
Gurwitch, R.H., Kelley, A., & Berkowitz, S. (April 2017). Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE): A new program for adults making a difference in the lives of children. Pre-Meeting Institute presented at the National Child Traumatic Stress Network Meeting, Washington, DC.
Gurwitch, R.H. & Wray, E. (January 2017). Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) in the Classroom. Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Council for School Social Work, New Orleans, LA.
Gurwitch, R.H. (April 2016). Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE): Addressing behavior concerns in the pediatric practice. Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Pediatrics, Mobile, AL.
Messer, E. (September 2016). Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE): Connecting with children and improving compliance. Workshop presentation for the Ohio GAL Celebrate Kids Conference, Columbus, OH.
Messer, E. (October 2016). Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement. Workshop presentation for the Tristate Trauma Network Conference, Erlanger, KY.
Warner-Metzger, C. M., Barnett, A., Reaves, S. (April 2016). Child Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE): Developing trauma-informed interaction skills. Workshop presented to the 2016 EverThrive Illinois Innovate, Collaborate, & Elevate Conference, Oak Lawn, IL.
Pearl, E. (November 2008). Child Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) training: Connecting with children. Workshop presentation for the 25th Annual All Ohio Counselors Conference, Columbus, OH.
National Listings
National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)
Invited Speaking Engagements
Gurwitch, R.H., & Abner, J.P. (October 2018). Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) for families who serve: An overview. Presented at the Navy SEAL Foundation Impact Forum, Torrey Pines, CA.
Warner-Metzger, C. M. (September 2018). A primer to trauma-informed approaches for children and the community. Invited speaker for the Occupational and Physical Therapy Department within Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago, Outpatient Clinic - Lincoln Park.
Warner-Metzger, C.M., Gilchrist, M., & Morrison, O. (August 2018). Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE). Invited workshop at the Chicago Public Schools Office of Social and Emotional Learning (OSEL) Summer Institute, Chicago, IL.
Warner-Metzger, C. M. (February 2018). A primer to trauma-informed approaches for children and the community. Invited speaker for the Social Work Department within Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago.
Gurwitch, R.H., & Abner, J.P. (June 2018). Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) for families who serve. Presented for the U.S. Army Family Advocacy Staff Training Advanced (FASTA), San Antonio, TX.
Masse, J., & Gurwitch, R. (March 2018). Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE): Building Stronger Communities through Stronger Relationships. Keynote presented at the 8th Annual Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Conference, Seattle, WA.
Gurwitch, R. & Abner, J.P. (October 2017). An Introduction to Child Adult Relationship Enhancement. Invited workshop presented to the South Carolina Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Columbia, SC.
Abner, J.P. (September, 2017). Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement Workshop Parts 1 & 2 . Invited workshop presented at the Virginia Crimes Against Children Conference, Hampton, Virginia.
Pearl, E. (April 2010). Application of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy: an evidence-based treatment and Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement: An evidence-informed model for children in foster care. Presentation for Quarterly Retreat of Hamilton County Juvenile Court Magistrates. Cincinnati, OH.
Pearl, E. (April 2009). Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement: an evidence-informed model for foster care. Policy Lab of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Pearl, E., & Putnam, F. (June 2007). Application of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy: an evidence-based treatment and Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement: an evidence-informed model in community settings. Presentation for members of the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA.
Pearl, E. (April 2010). Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement: an evidence-informed model for foster care. Presentation for Collaboration for the Education Success of Children in Foster Care team. Princeton High School, Cincinnati, OH.
Unpublished References
Messer, E. P., Gurwitch, R. H., Boat, B. W., Olafson, E., Dougherty, S., Warner-Metzger, C., Putnam, F., Connelly, L. Thieken, L., & Sharp, D. (2017). Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE): Train the Trainer Curriculum 2017. Unpublished treatment manual.
iCARE Collaborative (under development). Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) in the Classroom: Facilitator Manual. Unpublished training manual.
Neiman, S., Xia, J., Durow, J., Garcia, B., & Sorensen, N. (July 2018). Healing Trauma Together, Year 1 formative report. Unpublished data: American Institutes for Research. U.S. Department of Education Promoting Student Resilience Grant (CFDA 84.184C), PI: Mashana Smith, Ph.D., Chicago Public Schools (CPS).